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Dr. Julia K. Kuark

Julia K. Kuark

JKK Consulting
Dr. Julia K. Kuark

Bahnhofstrasse 16
5600 Lenzburg

Telefon: +41 62 886 11 40


Dr. sc. techn. Julia K. Kuark studied Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University and after completing the graduate program in Mechatronics at the ETH Zürich, obtained her Doctorate at the Institute of Work Psychology, ETH Zürich. She now works as an independent consultant with expertise in developing innovative organizational solutions such as TopSharing, Intercultural Integration and Management Coaching on Leadership. She builds bridges between people and technology, between men and women and between cultures.
Julia Kuark teaches Methodology and Social Skills in the Bachelor Program in International Management as well as Gender Management at the University of Applied Sciences in Economics in Lucerne.


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